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I now use a "Statistical Spam Filter". Wow, the scummy sewer of internet mail is cleansed, refreshed and usable again. Just using the delete button was getting too difficult, I got 8 to 10 spam for every good piece of mail. As a spam detector I am not as good a filter as you might think, just the subject and address is not always enough, an anti-spam tool I am not, I would occasionally open a spam to my great annoyance.
My filter was inspired by Paul Graham's article about a Naive Bayesian spam filter. The article is at "A Plan for Spam". He basically says that you get statistics on how often tokens show up in two bodies of mail, (spam and good,) and then calculate the a statistical value that a single mail is spam by looking at the tokens in it. The more mail in the good and spam mail bodies, the better the filter is "trained". Jeez, he made it sound so easy. And it is. I slapped an anti-spam tool together as a ksh and awk script for use as a personal filter on a Unix type system. To implement it I put it in the ~/.forward file. The code is at the bottom of the article, less than 100 lines for the training script and less than 100 lines for the filter. The total code for the filter and training script is less than 200 lines, including comments, and it is less than 6000 characters.
This filter differs in lots of ways from the Paul Graham article. I took out some of the biases he describes and simplified it, maybe it is too simple. What I find most interesting is that the differences do not seem to matter much, I still filter out 96+% of spams. I got those results with a spam sample that is at least 500 emails and a good email sample that is at least 700 emails. With smaller training samples or a different mail mix it may not get as good results, or it may be better. Note: I later changed the training body to be more like the proportion of real spam to good mail, which is much more spam than good mail, about 8-10 spam to every good mail received and the anti-spam tool worked better.
First I run the training script on two bodies of mail, ~/Mail/received (good mail) and ~/Mail/junk (saved spam mail.) The ~/Mail/received file is already created on my unix box and holds mail that I have read and not deleted. The training script finds all the tokens in the emails and gives them a probability depending on how the token is found in the "spam mail" and the "good mail". The training script also creates the whitelist of addresses from the "good mail." As the mail flows through the system the training script will then "learn" each time it is run.
I run the actual spam filter script from the .forward file which allows a user to process mail before it hits your inbox. (Look up "man forward" at the shell prompt for further information on the .forward file.) The script first checks the whitelist for a good address, if it is found it passes the filter. If the address is not found it is passed to the statistical spam filter, the tokens are checked and the email is given a spaminess value. Above a certain value the email is classified as spam and put in the ~/Mail/junk file, below the value it passes to /var/spool/mail/mylogin where I read it as god intended email to be read, with a creaky old unix client. However, I can still read it with any other client I want, POP or IMAP.
I included a little test script below that I used to check my results. I just split emails into files and run them one at a time and check the value the filter gives.
Testing on email that has been used to train the filter will give results that are very good and not valid, so I tested on email not seen by the training script. The filter does get much better at filtering as the training sample gets bigger, just like the other statistical spam filters. For example, at lower sample sizes (trained with 209 good mails, 301 spammails) the filter was pretty bad. When the average spam value cutoff was raised to .51 so no good mail was blocked, 44% of the spam email passed through on a set of 320 spam and 683 good email. Even so, that means %56 of the spam was blocked. Small sample sizes are not perfect, but are usable and I began using the mail filter with a sample set of about 600 good mail and 300 spam. As the training sample increased the results improved. As I changed the mail mix to reflect the real spam proportions it got even better, around 96-98% of the spam blocked. I think the lower early results were because of the proportions of spam to good email, they should reflect the real proportion received on the system used by the filter.
Paul Graham or others may have superior filters and better mathematics for anti-spam algorithms but I am not sure that it matters all that much, the amount of spam that gets through is small enough not to bother me.
I used gawk in the filter and checked it with the gawk profiler to look for performance problems. The largest performance constraint is creating the spam-probability associative array in memory, the key-value pairs of tokens and the spam value I assign to them. Creating this associative array is more that 95% of the current time to process an email through the filter and gets worse when the set of tokens gets larger. Perl and other language users can get around this performance problem with DBM file interfaces, currently not available to my gawk filter.
I added a "whitelist" of good email addresses, a feature that helps keep good email from a bad classification and improves performance by a huge amount (at least a magnitude of 100) by not having to further filter the message. The white list is not one of the "challenge-response" things that annoys me so much that I toss any such email away, it simply learns from the email used to train the filter, it saves addresses that are from email that has passed the filter and gets in my "received" file. I figure that if I receive a good email from someone, chances are 100% that I want to receive email from that address. Note there is a place in the white list script to get rid of commonly forged email addresses, like your own address.
The main concept put forward by Paul Graham holds true and seems ungodly robust: applying statistics to filter spam works very well compared to lame rule sets and black lists. My program just proves the robustness of the solution; apparently any half-baked formula (like what I used) seems to work as long as the base probability of the tokens is computed.
Here are some of the many differences between this filter and the filter in the Paul Graham article in no particular order of importance:
- I do not lower-case the tokens, one result is that token frequency is set to three instead of five to be included in in the spam-probability associative array. I think that "case" is an important token characteristic.
- "Number of mails" is replaced with "number of tokens." My explanation is that I am looking at a token frequency in an interval of a stream of tokens. It seems simpler to think of it that way, instead of number of mails. And when I tried "number of mails" I got the same result values on the messages for the formula I used.
- "Interesting tokens" were tokens in the message with a spam statistic "greater than 0.95" and "less than 0.05" Easy to implement. I did not figure out the fifteen most interesting tokens, the limit used by Paul Graham. As a result, most of my mail has more than 15 interesting tokens, a few have fewer, which could be a weakness, but does not seem to matter too much.
- Paul Graham's Naive Bayesian formula goes to 0 or 1 pretty quickly, which is fine, I tried it out in awk too. But now I just sum the "interesting token" probabilities and divide by the number of "interesting tokens" per message. Yes, it is just an average of the probability of "interesting tokens" and it is easy to implement and spreads the values over a 0-1 interval, spam towards 1 and good mail towards 0. I did this to implement some spam filtering as soon as possible. Even with a small sample of mail I was able to adjust the average probability value up to keep all the good mail and still get rid of a good proportion of spam. As I acquired more sample mail the filter caught more spam and I adjusted the average probability value down.
- I have a "training" program that generates the token probabilities and an address "whitelist" to be run as a batch job at intervals (like once a day or week) and a separate filter program run out of ".forward"
- I did not double the frequency value of the "good tokens" to bias them in the base spam probability calculation of each token.
- Tokens not seen by the filter before are ignored. Paul Graham gives them a 0.4 probability of spaminess. Most other methods of calculating the probability of unknown tokens end up being ignored by my formula as they would have a probability outside the "interesting token" ranges.
- I noticed that Paul Graham ignores HTML comments. When I looked at some of the spam I found out why, some spammers load recipient address and common words into HTML comments spread through the text to pass rule filters but the statistical spam filter seems to find them anyway so I include tags, comments, everything.
############################## cut here ################## #!/bin/ksh # Script to Test the SpamFilter # Note: Do not test mail that has been used to train the filter, # test mail not seen by the training program. filter_test () { # Split a file of unix email into many mail files with this: cat ~/Mail/rece* |csplit -k -f good -n 4 - '/^From /' {900} # Run a modified filter that displays the spam value for each mail file. # I just commented out the last part of the filter and added a # print statement of the Subject line and spam value the filter found. for I in test/good* do cat $I | [filter_program-that_shows_the_value_only] done | sort -n } ############################## cut here ################## #!/bin/ksh # Training script for the SpamFilter. # Call from the command line or in a crontab file. number_of_tokens (){ zcat $1 | cat $2 - | wc -w } # Note: Get rid of addresses that are commonly forged at the # "My-Own-Address" string. address_white_list (){ zcat $1 | cat $2 - | egrep '^From |^Return-Path: ' | nawk '{print tolower($2)}'| nawk '{gsub ("<",""); gsub (">","");print;}'| grep -v 'My-Own-Address'| sort -u > ~/Mail/address_whitelist } # Create a hash with probability of spaminess per token. # Words only in good hash get .01, words only in spam hash get .99 spaminess () { nawk 'BEGIN {goodnum=ENVIRON["GOODNUM"]; junknum=ENVIRON["JUNKNUM"];} FILENAME ~ "spamwordfrequency" {bad_hash[$1]=$2} FILENAME ~ "goodwordfrequency" {good_hash[$1]=$2} END { for (word in good_hash) { if (word in bad_hash) { print word, (bad_hash[word]/junknum)/ \ ((good_hash[word]/goodnum)+(bad_hash[word]/junknum)) } else { print word, "0.01"} } for (word in bad_hash) { if (word in good_hash) { done="already"} else { print word, "0.99"} }}' ~/Mail/spamwordfrequency ~/Mail/goodwordfrequency } # Print list of word frequencies frequency (){ nawk ' { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) freq[$i]++ } END { for (word in freq){ if (freq[word] > 2) { printf "%s\t%d\n", word, freq[word]; } } }' } # Note: I store the email in compressed files to keep my storage space small, # so I have the gzipped mail that I run through the filter training # script as well as current uncompressed "good" and spam files. # prepare_data () { export JUNKNUM=$(number_of_tokens '/Your/home/Mail/*junk*.gz' '/Your/home/Mail/junk') export GOODNUM=$(number_of_tokens '/Your/home/Mail/*received*.gz' '/Your/home//Mail/received') address_white_list '/Your/home/Mail/*received*.gz' '/Your/home/Mail/received' echo $JUNKNUM $GOODNUM zcat ~/Mail/*junk*.gz | cat ~/Mail/junk - | frequency| sort -nr -k 2,2 > ~/Mail/spamwordfrequency zcat ~/Mail/*received*.gz | cat ~/Mail/received - | frequency| sort -nr -k 2,2 > ~/Mail/goodwordfrequency spaminess| sort -nr -k 2,2 > ~/Mail/spamprobability # Clean up files rm ~/Mail/spamwordfrequency ~/Mail/goodwordfrequency } ######### # Main prepare_data exit ########################### Cut Here #################### #!/bin/ksh # Spamfilter using statistical filtering. # Inspired by the Paul Graham article "A Plan for Spam" # # Implement in the .forward file like so: # "| /Your/path/to/bin/spamfilter" # If mail is spam then put in a spam file # else put in the good mail file. spamly () { /usr/bin/nawk ' { message[k++]=$0; } END { if (k==0) {exit;} # empty message or was in the whitelist. good_mail_file="/usr/spool/mail/your_user"; spam_mail_file="/Your/home/Mail/junk"; spam_probability_file="/Your/home/Mail/spamprobability"; total_tokens=0.01; while (getline < spam_probability_file) bad_hash[$1]=$2; close(spam_probability_file); for (line in message){ token_number=split(message[line],tokens); for (i = 0; i <= token_number; i++){ if (tokens[i] in bad_hash) { if (bad_hash[tokens[i]] <= 0.06 || bad_hash[tokens[i]] >= 0.94){ total_tokens+=1; spamtotal+=bad_hash[tokens[i]]; } } } } if (spamtotal/total_tokens > 0.50) { for (j = 0; j <= k; j++){ print message[j] >> spam_mail_file} print "\n\n" >> spam_mail_file; } else { for (j = 0; j <= k; j++){ print message[j] >> good_mail_file} print "\n\n" >> good_mail_file; } }' } # Check whitelist for good address. # if in whitelist then put in good_mail_file # else Pass message through filter. whitelister () { /usr/bin/nawk ' BEGIN { whitelist_file="/Your/home/Mail/address_whitelist"; good_mail_file="/usr/spool/mail/your_user"; found="no"; while (getline < whitelist_file) whitelist[$1]="address"; close(whitelist_file); } { message[k++]=$0;} /^From / {sender=tolower($2); gsub ("\<","",sender); gsub ("\>","",sender); if (whitelist[sender]) { found="yes";} } /^Return-Path: / {sender=tolower($2); gsub ("\<","",sender); gsub ("\>","",sender); if (whitelist[sender]) { found="yes";} } END { if (found=="yes") { for (j = 0; j <= k; j++){ print message[j] >> good_mail_file} print "\n\n" >> good_mail_file; } else { for (j = 0; j <= k; j++){ print message[j];} } }' } ##################################### # Main # The mail is first checked by the white list, if it is not found in the # white list it is piped to the spam filter. whitelister | spamly exit